Nominations for the 2025 research awards
Nominations will close July 31, 2025.
Dear Colleagues,
The Heart Failure Collaboratory (HFC) is pleased to announce its continued collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA) for the annual HFC Site-Based Research Awards. The 2025 awards will be presented during an event at AHA’s Scientific Sessions in New Orleans. The award recognizes top PI’s and Study Coordinators.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to nominate a PI or Study Coordinator for consideration for this award.
Our goal is to identify and promote the work of those who are outstanding participants in HF clinical trials. We are particularly interested in recognizing the diverse population of scientists across under-represented minority groups with a focus on sex, ethnicity, geographic location, and economic landscapes.
To be eligible, nominees should have meaningful involvement in a clinical trial listed on Nominees’ range of accomplishments can include meritorious achievement in trial design, execution/enrollment, and/or reporting scientific content in a trial in which they were involved; as well as challenges encountered and steps taken to meet the challenge in a trial.
Metrics to consider include number of subjects enrolled, enrollment of under-represented group/diverse populations, diverse study groups, data quality, retention, and citizenship (helping other sites participate, participating in trial activities, committee participation, patient recognition and education, dissemination of results).
The number of awards is not fixed and will be determined by the quality of the applicant pool.